Here it is....for the world to see....
Please read, and tell your friends...

Quote of the....well....however long it takes for me to get a new one.

"You don't miss your water
Till your well runs dry."
-The Black Crowes

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Violence is not the worst thing on TV

So, I'm not a Democrat.  I'm not a Republican either.  Frankly, I think George Washington was right when he said that a two party political system would spell disaster for this country.  I refuse to believe that the feelings and opinions of every American can be summed up by one of two groups.  I would call myself a "liberal conservative."  I know, it's an oxymoron, but the point is, I like the idea of a small government and I'm pro death penalty, but I also think a woman's right to use birth control or get an abortion is none of my damn business.  Further more, as Common said: 

"Who am I or they to say to whom you pray ain't right?"

Honestly, if you want to pray to the ants scurrying around your kitchen floor I could really care less as long as you live by the proverbial "golden rule."  Which brings me to people like Bill O'Reilley and the dear departed reverend Jerry Fallwell.  First Fallwell.  For a guy who is so anti-radical Islam, you did an awful lot of religious exploitation to gain power and money for yourself.  But I'm sure you've been dealt with on the other side so I won't waste my words.

(Full disclosure:  I was raised and confirmed Catholic.  I wouldn't say I'm a practicing Catholic, and in fact, I would say I disagree with a great deal of Catholic Dogma.  i.e. you need to confess your sins to a priest.  Why is it "holier" to confess to a pedophile what I've done wrong than to pray directly to God, and to actually feel remorse and try to make myself better?  I will say, however, that I do call myself a Catholic because it feels good to belong to something, and I think that when you dig through all the bullshit, having religion and belief isn't a bad thing.  This is a whole other post on its own...)

Now, Bill O'Reilley....Few people on the planet can get me fired up as much as O'Reilley can.  It's not that he's a loud mouth, or even that I disagree with 95% of the crap that he spews, but mostly because he is so WRONG most of the time that it is appalling that he's allowed night after night to spew his hate speech on American television.   For example:

You are wrong Bill.  Admit it.  But he can't.  And what's worse, he, on his own show, is a dictator on the order of the ones he rails against on a regular basis.  If you disagree, he shouts louder.  If your point is better, he mutes you.  The man is a blusterous MORON, and yet, he is still on TV.  Now, I'm not a conservative, but anyone with a half a brain can NOT think that this man could possibly represent them or their views.  What is worse, O'Reilley is a BU grad.  If I were BU, I would keep that fact under wraps....his ignorance is not something I would use to sell my school....Now, tarnishing, no, trivializing (none of these words seem strong enough) the memory of long dead American heroes is bad enough, but this is where I draw the line....

The old "she was asking for it."....Open letter to Bill O'Reilley:

You aren't a patriot.  You aren't a hero.  YOU represent everything that is wrong with this country.  A young woman gets raped on the street and it was her fault for wearing revealing clothing?  Am I in the United States or Saudi Arabia?  You Fascist douche bag, I would never wish on ANYONE that they or anyone close to them get raped or murdered, but for one second I would like you to know how it feels to be that person, or someone close to that person, and then maybe you would pull your head out of your own ass and realize how dangerous and ignorant the vomit of words coming out of your mouth is.

And yet, he is still on T.V., and even worse, people watch.  Want to save America Bill?  Shut the fuck up and get off of T.V.  God saves a special place for people like you, and lets just say it will be warm and toasty, and you won't be comfortable.

I'll step off of my soap box now....but I'd like to know how others feel.  Comment if you will, it would be much appreciated.


GM said...

I agree with everything you said. I consider myself to also be somewhat a liberal conservative and was also raised Catholic. although I don't consider myself catholic any longer.

O'Reilly is absolutely an idiot.

SocialSecurity said...

Any particular reason you don't call yourself a catholic anymore? Not that you need to justify it, but I'm just curious.